The Only Complete Passwordless MFA for the Workforce

From Your Legacy to Your Cloud

No Passwords Should be Found

Workforce Passwordless MFA

Trusted by Global Security & IT Teams

From defense contractors and financial institutions to government agencies and law firms –

The Octopus Authentication Platform eliminated all employee passwords in enterprises across the globe.

Annual User Authentications
Return on Investment
Enterprise Customers Globally

SSO Isn’t Enough – Say Goodbye to ALL Employee Passwords!

Eliminate all user-managed passwords in your organization with a simple and universal Passwordless MFA workflow that covers all enterprise use cases – from workstations and modern cloud apps to legacy on-prem assets.

Eliminate MFA Fatigue

Traditional MFA is built on passwords. Not only is this the biggest source of data breaches and security risk to your organization, but employees are frustrated and resigned to the user experience.

Take Control of Secrets, Eliminate MFA Frustration

Why Secret Double Octopus?

Fully Passwordless Workforce Without Changing Your Infrastructure
Unlike PKI only alternatives, SDO's passwordless MFA does not require you build up PKI infrastructure before getting user off of passwords. Instead, we integrate with all leading directories and access management solutions without interrupting your existing identity workflows. Achieve better security, improve user experience and lower cost with SDO's highly recognized solution.
Phishing-Resistant Passwordless MFA
Become Phishing-Resistant

Only SDO offers a non-certificate-based approach to becoming phishing-resistant and meeting regulatory compliance.

Make your workforce more productive
One Single MFA

The end to multiple MFA methods and endless resets. The Octopus Platform ensures reliable and robust authentication that always delivers – online or offline.

Meet CyberInsurance Mandates
Meet Cyber Insurance Mandates

Enable modern MFA for admin use cases to servers and shared accounts, and centralize MFA management for universal coverage

Protect Legacy Applications
Protect Legacy Applications

SDO lives by the "no app left behind" motto and offers the richest support for non-SAML enabled legacy application support out-of-the-box.

Why Choose Passwordless MFA?

Push Bombing Prevention

Today’s automated man-in-the-middle attacks have changed the game for phishing defense. Enjoy state-of-the-art adaptive capabilities that thwart this threat in its tracks.

Identity-First Security

Meet the Zero Trust era with an industry-leading solution that has been recognized as “Best-in-Class” for enterprise workforce protection. For us, identity is the new perimeter.

Modern FIDO-Based MFA

Get ready for an enterprise FIDO-based passwordless future today. Whether it be Passkeys or traditional security keys, we leverage the latest in smartphone biometrics and standards to modernize authentication.

Eliminate Risk with Proven scaled Deployments
Pathway to FIDO Future

Pathway to FIDO Future

FIDO 2 solves many problems with legacy certificates and is backed by internet giants. The Octopus authenticates Window, MAC, and Linux desktop users with self provisioned FIDO2 keys, and includes a certified FIDO2 server for web app authentication out of the box.

Passwordless Journey Flexibility

Passwordless Journey Flexibility

Going passwordless doesn’t have to be a risky one shot deal. Our unmatched flexibility allows you to start with a specific use case and go fully passwordless over time.

What our customers think.