Change is Hard,
Octopus is Easy.

Only Octopus Passwordless MFA works with today’s complex enterprise infrastructure – without recoding apps or rearchitecting identity infrastructure.

As a result, others take months, Octopus takes an hour. Eliminate the password threat, day one.

No charging Your Applications No Re-Coding Your Applications The SDO platform works with FIDO or SAML-ready apps, and your corporate password-centric apps
No Rearchitecting Directories No Rearchitecting Directories Octopus workds with Active Directory and all cloud directories
No Additional Identity Infrastructur No Additional Identity Infrastructure Move fast with No certificate-issuing authority required
No New Authentication Hardware No New Authentication Hardware Use phishing-resistant mobile push and FIDO2 or smartcards where they make sense

Others leave gaps.
Octopus covers everything.

Octopus password less MFA works across your full spectrum of enterprise use cases, including all desktop, cloud, and corporate applications. You can even secure remote access for VPNs or VDI, and industrial air gap environments.

Octopus Covers Everything

Users love passwordless MFA, but IT is the big winner

How to Get MFA Right the First Time

Others take months, Octopus takes an hour

Eliminate the threat from user passwords, day one. Other passwordless technology takes months to recode apps and rearchitect infrastructure to support FID02, SAML, or X.509 authentication before converting a single user. Not Octopus.

Fast Path to Phishing-Resistant Passwordless MFA

Flexibility for a diverse workforce

Today’s hybrid infrastructures support a complex workforce with diverse workflows to meet job functions. Octopus provides the most flexible authentication methods that match each worker’s needs and preferences.

Flexibility for a diverse workforce

Buy Down Security Risk

Passwordless MFA eliminates the attacker’s ability to exploit passwords or phish users and detonate ransomware

Give Admins Back Time

Passwordless means no more Help Desk calls to reset passwords, and quarterly (or even daily) rotations take just the click of a button

Modernize Your Infrastructure Faster

Passwordless MFA eliminates users keeping secrets. That frees IT to modernize infrastructure without the drag of user coordination