Diffie Hellman (DH) key exchange algorithm is a method for securely exchanging cryptographic keys over a public communications channel. Keys are not actually exchanged – they are jointly derived. It is named after their inventors Whitfield Diffie and Martin Hellman.
If Alice and Bob wish to communicate with each other, they first agree between them a large prime number p, and a generator (or base) g (where 0 < g < p).
Alice chooses a secret integer a (her private key) and then calculates g^a mod p (which is her public key). Bob chooses his private key b, and calculates his public key in the same way.
Bob knows b and g^a mod p, so he can calculate (g^a)^b mod p = g^ab mod p. Therefore both Alice and Bob know a shared secret g^ab mod p. An eavesdropper Eve who was listening in on the communication knows p, g, Alice’s public key (g^a mod p) and Bob’s public key (g^b mod p). She is unable to calculate the shared secret from these values.
In static-static mode, both Alice and Bob retain their private/public keys over multiple communications. Therefore the resulting shared secret will be the same every time. In ephemeral-static mode one party will generate a new private/public key every time, thus a new shared secret will be generated.
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