The Payment Services Directive is an EU Directive administered by the European Commission (Directorate General Internal Market) to regulate payment services and payment service providers throughout the European Union (EU) and European Economic Area (EEA). The Directive’s purpose was to increase pan-European competition and participation in the payments industry. PSD also aims to encourage non-banks by providing a level playing field. harmonizing consumer protection and the rights and obligations for payment providers and users.
Each country in the EU is required to transpose the directive into national legislation and designate a ‘competent authority’ to supervise and enforce its implementation.
PSD contains two main sections:
- Market rules that describe which type of organizations can provide payment services. Next to credit institutions (i.e. banks) and certain authorities (e.g. central banks, government bodies), the PSD mentions electronic money institutions (EMI), created by the E-Money Directive in 2000. Organizations that are neither credit institutions or EMIs can apply for an authorization as a payment institution if they meet certain capital and risk management requirements.
- Business conduct rules which specify what transparency of information payment service institutions need to provide, including any charges, exchange rates, transaction references and maximum execution time. It stipulates the rights and obligations for both payment service providers and users, how to authorize and execute transactions, liability in case of unauthorized use of payment instruments, refunds on payments, revoking payment orders, and value dating of payments.
The original Payment Services Directive (PSD) (Directive 2007/64/EC) was amended by a second directive (PSD2) (Directive 2015/2366). The new rules aim to better protect consumers when they pay online, promote the development and use of innovative online and mobile payment options such as through open banking, and make cross-border European payment services safer.
On 13 January 2016, PSD2 entered into force in the EU. In order to support the transposition of the Directive by 13 January 2018, PSD2 gave the European Banking Authority (EBA) the mandate to develop six regulatory technical standards (RTSs) and five sets of guidelines (GLs). The goal of the technical standards and guidelines is to help the various stakeholders in the payment services market reduce to practice the requirements laid out in the directive.